View Model
The ViewModel is used to send data to views for display. It is typically created in a controller's action, and returned from there:
namespace MyModule\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction()
$view = new ViewModel();
// set variables for the view
$view->setVariable('mything', $mything);
return $view;
From an Event
Adding <head>
content to a View
Views are made available via a number of Event
s. This allows adding to the <head>
element of a page in many ways.
For any view.*
event, the view is the target. Thus, to get the view, a module
needs to include code like this:
public function attachListeners(SharedEventManagerInterface $sharedEventManager)
array($this, 'addCSS')
public function addCSS($event)
$view = $event->getTarget();
$view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($view->assetUrl('css/mymodule.css', 'MyModule'));
The first parameter for $view->assetUrl()
is a path within the module's /asset
directory, and the second parameter is the namespace for the module.
Javascript files are added similarly, using
$view->headScript()->appendFile($view->assetUrl('js/mymodule.js', 'MyModule'));
From a Module::getConfigForm() function
All of the above applies to working with a module's getConfigForm
function, but
the object passed in is a Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer
object. The same methods
can be used.