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Data Model

Installing the Data Model

If your module needs to create database tables for Doctrine Entities, follow this process after you have defined your Entity classes.

First you'll need to configure your module so Doctrine knows where your Entity and proxy classes are. In config/module.config.php, add the following:

    'entity_manager' => [
        'mapping_classes_paths' => [
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/Entity',
        'proxy_paths' => [
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/data/doctrine-proxies',

Then, run the following command in your terminal:

$ php application/data/scripts/update-db-data-module.php <ModuleName>

This will create Doctrine "proxy" class files for your entities and place them in your module at data/doctrine-proxies. It will also output the SQL statements needed to install your data model. Copy the statements, then, in your Module.php file's install() function, use the database connection service to execute them:

    public function install(ServiceLocatorInterface $services)
        $connection = $services->get('Omeka\Connection');
        $connection->exec('CREATE TABLE my_entity ...');
        $connection->exec('CREATE TABLE my_other_entity ...');
        $connection->exec('ALTER TABLE my_entity ...');
        $connection->exec('ALTER TABLE my_other_entity ...');

Note that, even though exec() is capable of executing more than one statement at a time, you should run it only once for every statement. This is to avoid SQL errors that could be hidden by multi-line input.

Updating the Data Model

When you've made a change in the data model for a module, you need to follow mostly the same process as getting the initial installation SQL from the previous section. As above, run the update-db-data-module script to get the SQL statements, and update the module's install method to use the updated statements.

In addition, you'll need to handle updating the database for users who've already installed the old version of your module (otherwise they'd be forced to uninstall and reinstall it, losing their data in the process). The first step is to increase the version number of the module in its config/module.ini file. Omeka S can only detect that an upgrade is necessary for a module if the version number increases. Version numbers should follow Semantic Versioning.

Exactly what needs to be done for an upgrade can vary based on the kinds of changes you've made, but usually it's sufficient to just compare the previous installation SQL statements to the new ones, and create ALTER statements as appropriate to add, remove, or change the necessary tables, columns, and indexes. More involved changes may require you to also UPDATE or INSERT actual rows as well.

Just as the initial SQL goes in the Module class install method, upgrade SQL goes in the upgrade method. Unlike, install, upgrade has some additional important arguments: $oldVersion and $newVersion, representing the version of the plugin the user is upgrading from and the version they're upgrading to, respectively. For most cases, $oldVersion is what's important here: you want to check if the previous version is lower than the new version you just incremented to. If so, you need to run the update SQL.

Since the versions for modules follow Semantic Versioning, you should use the Comparator class from Composer's "Semver" package to compare version numbers. Omeka S already includes this as a dependency, so you simply need to use it.

use Composer\Semver\Comparator;

// ...

public function upgrade($oldVersion, $newVersion, ServiceLocatorInterface $services)
    $connection = $services->get('Omeka\Connection');
    if (Comparator::lessThan($oldVersion, '1.1.0')) { 
        $sql = $sqlDump; // your upgrade SQL statements 

As you continue to make updates and add to the upgrade method, users will be able to upgrade many versions at once.