Controller Plugins
Built-in Controller Plugins
Omeka S comes with several controller plugins:
- api: access methods provided by the API manager
- currentSite: get the current site representation, if any
- getForm: get a form object from the form element manager
- jobDispatcher: get the job dispatcher service
- logger: get the logger service
- mailer: get the mailer service
- messenger: access methods provided by the session-based messenger
- paginator: set variables to the pagination view helper
- setBrowseDefaults: set browse default parameters
- settings: get the application settings service
- siteSettings: get the site settings service
- status: get the Omeka status service
- translate: translate a string
- userIsAllowed: authorize the current user against a resource and privilege
- userSettings: get the user settings service
- viewHelpers: get the view helper plugin manager