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The REST API is a service layer built on top of the PHP API, so most (but not all) operations available in PHP are also available using REST.


The API is located at /api under the root of the Omeka S installation.


HTTP responses will be formatted in JSON-LD, a method of transporting Linked Data using JSON.

Payloads for requests should also be JSON-LD, but Omeka S sometimes requires clients to follow a particular structure, even if the same data could be represented by alternate valid JSON-LD structures. The Content-Type of a request with a payload must be application/json (or multipart/form-data if sending a multipart request). Format specifers (before +, i.e., application/ld+json, are also allowed).


The API permits anonymous access to public resources (i.e., reading non-private data). To perform actions or view data that only logged-in users can access, you must authenticate your requests.

Authentication requires every request to include two additional GET parameters: key_identity and key_credential. An Omeka S user can create API keys in the "API keys" tab of their user edit page.

API Operations

GET /api/:api_resource

Search or list resources, optionally specifying criteria. Parameters to filter, limit, or alter the search results should be passed as GET parameters in the query string. Links to additional pages are given in the Link header. The link with rel="next" is the next page in the sequence. When appropriate, links with a rel value of prev, first, and last are also provided.

As of Omeka S 3.0.0, search responses include an Omeka-S-Total-Results header that indicates the total number of results across all pages.


GET /api/:api_resource/:id

Get one resource by a known ID. The id parameter is mandatory.


POST /api/:api_resource

Create a resource. A JSON payload is required.

Upload files

For create operations that involve uploading files, multipart requests (Content-Type multipart/form-data) are supported. In a multipart request, the normal JSON request body should be specified as a "field" with the name data. The asset API resource expects the associated file to be named file. To upload media (as part of a media create operation or item create or update operation), files are expected to be named as an "array" (i.e., file[0], file[1]). The JSON body for the media or item will specify the index into this array with the file_index key.

"o:ingester": "upload",
"file_index": 0,


PUT /api/:api_resource/:id

Update a resource. The id URL parameter is required. A JSON payload is required. The payload completely updates/replaces the existing resource with the given ID. Therefore, if making changes, it's typically wise to read the current state of the resource, alter the returned JSON, and submit that as the update. Alternatively, you can perform a "partial" update.

Partial Update (Patch)

PATCH /api/:api_resource/:id

Update a resource, preserving data in non-specified keys. The id URL parameter is required. A JSON payload is required. Note that specifying any values for RDF properties (the "values" for items, item sets, and media) will be treated as an "update" to the values generally (meaning that specifying any value for any RDF property will mean the removal of all other values that aren't passed). In other words, the values are treated as if they're one big "key" for the purposes of patching.


DELETE /api/:api_resource/:id

Delete a resource. The id URL parameter is required.