Omeka S Tools 2

Tools for working with data in an instance of Omeka S

This repository is based on Omeka S Tools by Tim Sherratt.


pip install omeka-s-tools2

How to use

See the documentation for full details of the Omeka API Client.

from omeka_s_tools2.api import *

omeka = OmekaAPIClient('')
items = omeka.get_resources('items')
{'@context': '',
 '@id': '',
 '@type': ['o:Item', 'schema:Newspaper'],
 'o:id': 677,
 'o:is_public': True,
 'o:owner': {'@id': '',
  'o:id': 1},
 'o:resource_class': {'@id': '',
  'o:id': 161},
 'o:resource_template': {'@id': '',
  'o:id': 5},
 'o:thumbnail': None,
 'o:title': 'Manilla Express (NSW : 1899 - 1954)',
 'thumbnail_display_urls': {'large': '',
  'medium': '',
  'square': ''},
 'o:created': {'@value': '2022-01-20T06:37:50+00:00',
  '@type': ''},
 'o:modified': {'@value': '2022-01-20T06:37:50+00:00',
  '@type': ''},
 'o:media': [{'@id': '',
   'o:id': 882},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 897},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 929},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 994},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 995},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 996},
  {'@id': '', 'o:id': 997}],
 'o:item_set': [],
 'o:site': [],
 'schema:name': [{'type': 'literal',
   'property_id': 1116,
   'property_label': 'name',
   'is_public': True,
   '@value': 'Manilla Express (NSW : 1899 - 1954)'}],
 'schema:url': [{'type': 'uri',
   'property_id': 393,
   'property_label': 'url',
   'is_public': True,
   '@id': ''}],
 'schema:identifier': [{'type': 'literal',
   'property_id': 190,
   'property_label': 'identifier',
   'is_public': True,
   '@value': '1006'}],
 '@reverse': []}

See the documentation for more examples.

Created by Tim Sherratt (@wragge) for the GLAM Workbench.
Created by @satoru196.